Friday, July 08, 2016

💡📌How Long does it actually stay in your system.

So how long does each drug actually stay in your system for?

The most common types of drug tests will look for drug metabolites in the blood, urine, and hair, the latter of which can become contaminated with traces of drugs as blood washes over the follicle. So without further ado, here’s how long some common illegal drugs remain detectable for:content-1467821493-drug-test-urine-blood

Cannabis: 7 to 30 days in urine; 90 days in hair; 14 days in blood

Cocaine: 3 to 4 days in urine; 90 days in hair; a day or two in blood

Heroin: 3 to 4 days in urine; 90 days in hair; about half a day in blood

LSD: Up to 3 days in urine; 3 days in hair; less than five hours in blood

MDMA: 3 to 4 days in urine; 90 days in hair; a day or two in blood

Methamphetamine: 3 to 6 days in urine; 90 days in hair; up to three days in blood.

*from The IFLScience! Page.

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